Everybody Wins With Employee-Centered Human Resources

Everybody Wins With Employee-Centered Human Resources

Despite the name, Human Resources software hasn't typically focused on the human. For decades, systems have been designed to offer organizational efficiency over employee convenience or ease-of-use. But business owners don't need to choose one over the other anymore. WorkforceHUB simplifies Human Resources for employees, supervisors, and admin personnel. Everybody wins! Employees Love WorkforceHUB Employees [...]
The CBIZ Time Solutions Guide to Speeding Up Timesheet Approvals

The CBIZ Time Solutions Guide to Speeding Up Timesheet Approvals

Time card approvals can overwhelm supervisors who do it the old school way. Totaling hours by hand on paper timesheets is a waste of time for employees. Would you like to speed up time card approvals so they take just a couple minutes a week for your managers? How about completely eliminating time card tallying [...]
The CBIZ Time Solutions Guide to Speeding Up Timesheet Approvals

Case Study: Staffing Agency

Today's post describes a business that, by its very nature, demands a robust Workforce Management system. As more and more organizations hire temporary contractors as part of their business strategy (as opposed to an occasional stopgap fix during a staffing emergency), savvy temp offices can benefit from the market shift and expand and diversify. Consider [...]
Why You Need Automated WFM for Salaried Employees

Why You Need Automated WFM for Salaried Employees

Some employers with only salaried personnel often believe automated Workforce Management is only necessary for organizations with hourly employees. The object of this message is to review why this couldn't be further from the truth. Why Companies With Salaried Employees Need Workforce Management Systems 1. ComplianceThe alphabet soup of the various labor laws—FLSA, ACA, PBJ, FMLA—apply [...]
The CBIZ Time Solutions Guide to Speeding Up Timesheet Approvals

5 Ways WFM Improves Customer Service

A customer service rep can't solve customer problems if she is preoccupied with her own HR dilemma at work. There are many direct and indirect benefits of optimizing your timekeeping, scheduling, and payroll processes. Today's message outlines 5 ways implementing Workforce Management Suite will improve the customer service at your business. Eliminate Coverage GapsCustomer service [...]