How to Measure Your Labor Audit Liability

How to Measure Your Labor Audit Liability

Are You Compliant? Is your company at risk for fines or sanctions in case of a labor audit? By answering the following questions, you can better establish your current labor audit liability. Are Your Timekeeping Procedures Sufficient? Are employee time and attendance records accurate and accessible? Are employees paid for all the time worked: Employers should [...]
Which WHD Law Did You Break Today?

Which WHD Law Did You Break Today?

Many business owners who have been penalized for labor law violations never realized they were noncompliant. But we all know that ignorance is no excuse. Here are common FLSA violations to avoid: 1. Misclassifying EmployeesAny employer who fails to follow DOL rules regarding classification is risking significant penalties. Employee classification affects a host of things including benefits [...]
CBIZ Time Solutions Workforce Management Suite: Smart Compliance

CBIZ Time Solutions Workforce Management Suite: Smart Compliance

What's the easiest way to maintain compliance with labor laws? At CBIZ Time Solutions we provide a full suite of advanced, automated Workforce Management tools that track the vital information that is needed for you to stay compliant with ACA and DOL regulations. Take, for example, the Affordable Care Act. ACA standards can be complicated [...]
How to Measure Your Labor Audit Liability

New Employers: Avoid The Top 3 Payroll Mistakes

Owning a business after being an employee can be very worthwhile. You are the captain of the ship and can chart your course without having to answer to anyone else. When you get to the point where you need employees, however, it's crucial to realize that being an employer can be complicated when it comes [...]
How to Measure Your Labor Audit Liability

How to Cover Your Bases With PBJ: Are You In Compliance?

Today's post is for owners and operators of residential care homes subject to Payroll Based Journal reporting. Since PBJ compliance became nonelective in July of 2016, how has it been going for you? Have you designed a workable process? Are you meeting the quarterly deadlines? Are you confident that your data is accurate? PBJ Doesn't [...]